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💡 What is Frameflow?

Frameflow is an Autonomous QA Engineer that helps Engineering teams test software code. We automate QA testing from test case creation → execution → validation.

We’re delivering Frameflow as a Hybrid Product + Service, to ensure you get the most value from working with us. Each touchpoint is expert led by an QA Engineer with over 10 years experience. We understand what it takes to build an enterprise-grade QA process through our work with Spotify, Colgate, Spotify, Walmart, Ghost Kitchens and more, and now we’re taking everything we’ve learned to automate QA for high growth teams.

How it Works

  1. Extract feature requirements from the tools you use every day.
  1. Generate test case scenarios in minutes.
  1. Execute test cases automatically, expert led.

4. Fix bugs. Get expert Engineers at your fingertips. (coming soon)